
The Penang Internship Subsidy Programme (PISP) is a special internship program initiated by the Penang State Government in 2022 through InvestPenang to support local companies in attracting talents from other states to Penang and indirectly will enhance the growth of Penang’s talent ecosystem.

The PISP offers subsidy amounting RM500 per month; that consists of RM300 intern subsidy allowance and RM200 intern accommodation subsidy for each intern recruited by SME and LLC companies that has presence in Penang with NO overseas operation. Under this subsidy programme, companies are required to pay a minimum allowance of RM1,300 per month to each recruited intern. The state government will then reimburse RM500 per month for each intern (maximum RM3,000 each intern for a total period of 6 months) to the companies after interns have completed their internship programmes.


Inline with our ‘My Penang, My Workplace’ campaign, this subsidy programme is established to further enhance the state’s effort in attracting an influx of talents from across Malaysia and making Penang the Northern growth region in the country.

Eligibility criteria:-

SME and LLC companies who meet the following criteria are encouraged to apply for the subsidy programme:

  1. Possess an active business registration with the Companies Commission of Malaysia;
  2. Companies with a physical presence in Penang with NO overseas operations;
  3. Companies from the manufacturing & Global Business Services (GBS) sectors would be prioritised;
  4. Interns recruited must be from other states in Malaysia other than Penang and industrial training must be conducted in Penang;
  5. Companies need to provide training placements to at least three (3) trainees at diploma level and above in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Accounting (STEMA) yearly;
  6. The period of industrial training must be in accordance with the guideline set by the respective IHL’s and /or not exceeding a total period of six (6) months;
  7. Fulfilled other additional conditions to be determined by the committee members (if any).
Application Process

Application Form