Personal Particulars

Male Female

Language Proficiency


Work Experience(s)

Optionally upload your resume for employers to view. Max. file size: 8 MB.
Yes No

*Please note that the Penang Career Assistance & Talent (CAT) Centre and/or potential employers will continually contact you with available vacancies/job events/training opportunities etc. If you have found a job and would like to de-register yourself from our database, please write-in/email/fax to Penang Career Assistance & Talent (CAT) Centre.

I hereby affirm that the information given herein is true and accurate and authorize the Penang Career Assistance & Talent (CAT) Centre or its representatives to obtain further information pertaining to this application from any source (to which it may apply) and/or to release information to potential employers or agencies that deemed necessary by CAT centre.


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