On 14 December 2023, InvestPenang has entered into an MOU with Consortium Electrical and Electronic (E&E) of Malaysian Universities – lead by Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) collaborate on the impactful MOHE Research and Industry-Infused Incubator (MRI3) program—an initiative shaping Malaysia’s talent landscape in collaboration with 18 other Malaysian Universities and 27 industry-leading companies. We extend our gratitude to USM for the collaboration aimed at fostering ‘sharp-skill’ and ‘smart-skill’ development aligned with the needs of the E&E industry.

This program goes beyond theory; it emphasizes hands-on experience. Through industrial training and industry-based final year projects (FYP), students will access the same tools and software used by the industry, ensuring their readiness upon graduation.

As we embark on this journey, our goal is to cultivate Penang as Malaysia’s premier talent hub, empowering graduates with high-value skills relevant to the industry.

Let’s work together to create a future where academia seamlessly merges with the industry! #mypenangmyworkplace